

Listed below are the different ways you can help.
And as always, Thank you for helping us help them

Help support Ohio American Eskimo Rescue by donating or sharing with your friends.



Use your PAYPAL account to send money directly to Ohio American Eskimo Rescue.
Login to PAYPAL.  Enter the send to email address as
On the payment screen change “Paying for an item or service” to “Sending to a friend.” Finalize your transaction. Funds are immediately delivered to Ohio American Eskimo Rescue.
If you have no PAYPAL account, contributions can be made through the PAYPAL Giving Fund.

Funds will be delivered to Ohio American Eskimo Rescue in 15 to 45 days. Funding is not immediate.

PAYPAL GIVING FUND Ohio American Eskimo Rescue




Sign In to your Kroger Plus card account.
Shoppers located in Ohio (Cincinnati, Dayton); Eastern Indiana; Northern Kentucky can enroll in Kroger Community Rewards to benefit Ohio American Eskimo Rescue by accessing Community Rewards on the Kroger site, and search using code ai440.
In the search results showing Ohio American Eskimo Rescue, click Enroll. You are enrolled in Kroger Community Rewards!
Kroger shoppers located in all other regions can enroll by temporarily changing their store location.
At the top of the Kroger page, click the drop down for “Shopping at“.
In the Find a Store locator enter 45039 in the zip code field. Click the Search button.
Under the store for Landen, click the “Shop This Store” button.
In the “I’m a Customer” box, click on the View Details button for Community Rewards enrollment details.
On the left side of the page for My Account, click on Community Rewards.
In “Find an Organization” enter the code ai440 and click Search. Or, enter Ohio American Eskimo Rescue and click Search.
In the Search Results for Ohio American Eskimo Rescue, click the Enroll button.
Your are enrolled in Kroger Community Rewards and will help OAER earn money every time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus card!
At the top of your Kroger account page, you can change the “Shopping at” location back to your local Kroger store.
All participants must re-enroll for the program each year. Kroger will not send a reminder that it is time to re-enroll.


Help us stay stocked up on supplies by purchasing from our Amazon Wishlist.

Ohio American Eskimo Rescue amazon whishlist

Ohio American Eskimo Rescue is always grateful to donors providing food and supplies so we can care for all of our American Eskimo dogs and all dogs entrusted to our care.
When you purchase supplies from Amazon, they can be shipped directly to our organization location.


Ohio American Eskimo Rescue
228 Deershadow Rd
Maineville, OH 45039



Connect with us, Like Us, Follow Us, and Donate on our Facebook page

Ohio American Eskimo Rescue


